Diamond Bin Cleaners

At Diamond Bin Cleaners, LLC. We have become aware and recognize that the convenience of having a trash and recycling bin cleaning service is essential. However, there is no disputing that no one likes to go near a trash bin, especially during the hot weather. Our goal is to provide an efficient, easily affordable curbside trash and recycling bin-cleaning service to your community, protecting them from hazards of bacterial and fungal infections commonly detected on, in and around un-cleaned bins.

Did you know that your trash bin is a major breeding ground for bacteria? Think for a minute what you can actually place into your trash bins:

* Pet waste

*News papers

*Garden waste

*Soda cans and Bottles

*Disposable diapers

*Food packaging-Takeout cartons

*The contents of your vacuum cleaner

*Food remnants, including meat, fish and poultry.

The list goes on…..

Trash bins become foul, whether or not trash bags are used to contain the garbage placed inside them. Trash bin bags will certainly acquire nicks, rips, and slashes; so odors, mush, and foul liquids will inevitably find their way into he bottom of the trash can.

So what does that mean to you? Our latest highly effective ultra high-pressure trash and recycling bin curbside cleaning system leaves your dirty smelling bins disinfected, deodorized, and smelling fresh. For all of your needs, simply leave it to the professionals at Diamond Bin Cleaners.